Empowering Digital Success with Marc Brookland: Insights from an SEO Expert

An Interview With Marc Brookland

In our latest interview, we had the pleasure of connecting with Marc Brookland, the visionary CEO/Founder behind SEO Locale, a renowned full-service digital marketing agency.

Marc Brookland, Founder behind SEO Locale

With a comprehensive range of specialized services, including local and national search engine optimization, web design, paid search management, content strategy, and more, SEO Locale has carved a niche for itself in the competitive landscape of online marketing.

Interview with Marc Brookland

Q. Can you tell us a bit about the story behind SEO Locale? What inspired you to start this premier digital marketing agency?

I felt there was a major hole in the marketplace that was preventing small businesses from being able to afford effective digital marketing services. I recall working on at an agency where prospective customers would essentially be laughed out the door because they didn’t have thousands of dollars to spend every month.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when my dad, who owned a small pharmacy, was completely screwed over by his agency.

Q. As a full-service digital marketing agency, what are the key services that SEO Locale offers? Could you provide a brief overview of each service and how they contribute to the success of your client’s online presence?

SEO & web design/development are our core competencies. The way that SEO works, it’s virtually impossible to run an effective SEO campaign without managing the website for technical updates and user experience.

Q. In the realm of search engine optimization (SEO), both local and national, what are some unique strategies or approaches that set SEO Locale apart from other agencies?

I pride myself on having a team that provides keyword research better than 95% of the SEOs out there. We do an excellent job of identifying keywords with high volume and more importantly high user intent. This means the user is most likely to convert to business and is ready to buy now.

Q. Web design and development are crucial elements of a successful online presence. How does SEO Locale approach website design and development to ensure optimal user experience and conversion rates?

Everything we do is data-driven. We review site analytics monthly to make adjustments or recommendations to improve UX & maximize conversions. We have an expert team of 15 who have been doing this for years. We have the tools and expertise to effectively analyze data and implement working strategies.

Q. Paid search management, social media management, and email marketing are integral parts of digital marketing. How does SEO Locale effectively integrate these channels into clients’ overall marketing strategies to drive results?

These strategies aren’t always being utilized. It depends on the business if that particular medium works. We would never include one of these, forcing the client to spend more money, if the medium wasn’t right for them. Everything is case by case.

When it does make sense, it’s simple to integrate. We match our efforts so that everything is working together and is uniform.

Q. Content strategy and optimization play a significant role in organic search rankings. How does SEO Locale approach content creation and optimization to ensure high-quality, engaging, and SEO-friendly content for clients?

Our content supports our SEO on-page recommendations. We create unique, engaging content with hooking headlines to ensure the user finds the right content that answers their questions and entices them to contact us for service.

Q. Can you share any notable success stories or case studies from your clients? What were the challenges they faced, and how did SEO Locale’s strategies and services help them achieve their goals?

There’s an e-commerce electrical supply company called Wistex. Part of their digital marketing program was paid advertising on Google and Bing. They had been utilizing paid advertising for years, and it had always been successful, they’ve always made more than they spent.

In fact, they were doing $1 million in sales. Once we partnered up with them, they increased to $3 million in sales. They made the mistake of looking at paid advertising as a whole, instead of breaking down each individual campaign.

Analyzing each movement and determining which keywords generated the most revenue, which ads generated the most revenue, and removing the pieces that weren’t making money, we quickly tripled sales.

Q. With the ever-evolving digital landscape, how does SEO Locale stay up to date with the latest trends, algorithms, and strategies in the field of digital marketing? Do you have a specific approach to continuous learning and professional development within your agency?

My partner and I are constantly reading and educating ourselves. Our entire team shares interesting articles and case studies they’ve read so we can discuss them as a team. With COVID seemingly coming to an end, we’ve been able to start attending conferences to further our education and best practices.

Q. What is the current state of SEO, and how do you believe it will evolve in the age of AI?

AI is such a powerful tool and is absolutely something we are integrating into our processes. While you can’t simply copy & paste whatever it spits out, it can be a huge time saver by providing you a base to mold into something great.

Q. Since links have consistently ranked among the top three factors in search engine rankings, do you believe that link building will become even more important as AI-powered content creation tools make it easier for websites to publish content at a higher frequency?

Backlinks are still important for sure, but the emphasis that searches puts on them I believe has decreased over time. I think search engines, like Google, have become so advanced at being able to understand quality content (EEAT) without links and search engines put a much bigger emphasis on user experience.

Q. What are your top three favorite link building methods for 2023, and what makes them stand out in terms of effectiveness in your experience?

It really depends on the type of client to determine which link building strategies would be best. But generally speaking the clients we work with, in no particular order:

  • Local citations
  • Domain purchasing
  • Outreach

Q. Given the rapidly evolving landscape of search engines in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), what advice would you give to someone who is just starting an SEO campaign?

Keyword research is key. Make sure you’re targeting the right keywords and writing quality content – More doesn’t mean better.

Thank you for your time!

Our interview with Marc Brookland provided an illuminating perspective on the world of digital marketing. His agency, SEO Locale, stands as a testament to the power of specialized services and customized strategies.

From local SEO to web design and paid search management, Marc and his team have established themselves as industry leaders, helping businesses of all sizes achieve their online goals.

By implementing the insights and strategies shared by Marc, businesses can unlock new avenues of growth, enhance their online presence, and drive tangible results.

Stay tuned for more interviews with experts in the field as we continue to unravel the secrets to digital success.

Where you can find me…

Website: seolocale.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/marcbrookland/

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By Uprankly Team

Uprankly editorial team covers a wide range of online business topics, including SEO, link building, content site building, and web technology. Our team has a number of in-house writers.